TTMAC Casino
Our next casino is August 31 + September 1 2025 and we need your help! |
How would losing Casino Funding affect TTMAC? Casino funds pay for the rental of our office, which provides space for members to attend these educational workshops and information sessions and it also funds the cost to facilitate these classes. Therefore, without money from the Casino Fundraiser, these invaluable classes would not be available to TTMAC Members.
In addition, Casino Funds also pay for our monthly newsletter costs, new equipment purchases and books which are all available for loan, our administrative expenses, emergency fund, scholarship and much, much more!
Here are some important things to know about volunteering for our Casino Fundraiser:
TTMAC's Casino is the main fundraiser for our organization and is what makes so many of the member benefits possible. Without our Casino the Twins, Triplets & More Association of Calgary would not be able to have: