Sunday, August 31 2025
click to view open shifts
Please read through the following information BEFORE registering...thank you!
You are Registering to VOLUNTEER at the Casino Fundraiser on Sunday, August 31, 2025
Without volunteers like YOU, we will not be able to run this Fundraiser and as a result TTMAC will not be able to continue to operate!
Thank you so much!!
Important information about volunteering at a Casino:
1. You DO NOT need to know anything about casinos or gambling to volunteer! On the spot training is provided at the beginning of your shift.
2. You are NOT permitted to gamble at the Casino during the TTMAC Fundraising event (Monday & Tuesday)
3. This volunteer opportunity comes at NO EXPENSE to you (other than your time)! Food and beverages are provided during your shift. There is FREE Parking at the casino. For those needing to secure a babysitter, there is possible subsidy available for this. (Please note: Babysitting fees come directly out of our Casino earned funds!)
5. Volunteers DO NOT need to be members of TTMAC. Please ask your family, friends, neighbours or ANYONE you know to come and help out!
6. This is a FUN & ENJOYABLE volunteering opportunity. You will meet new people AND help ensure our Association can continue to operate.
Now that we have THAT out of the way, let's find a position that YOU would like to work...
Note: If you are able to volunteer for more than one shift, it is an AGLC requirement that it be in the SAME position for all shifts. Thank you.
REMEMBER- Training is provided at the beginning of your shift...NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! You ARE qualified to work ANY of these positions and we NEED YOU !
*GENERAL MANAGER- Hello Boss!! That's right, you will be the person to help run the "show"! Don't shy away from this position as it sounds more "demanding" than it actually is. In this role you will participate in the opening (early shift) and closing (later shift) of the casino. You will primarily be in charge of supervising the operations of the Cash Cage (where money changes hands with customers) and witness "cash outs" to players. You will also help fill in when other volunteers take breaks. So, if you want to know all the ins and outs of the operation of a casino...THIS is the position for you!
*BANKER- Who doesn't want to be the BANKER (didn't you fight over that when playing Monopoly as a kid)?!?! In this position you will fill playing chip orders for the gaming tables. You also will assist the General Manager with the supervision of the Cash Cage and Cashiers while witnessing "cash outs" to players. You'll be the "right hand" person and THAT'S pretty impressive if you ask us!
*CASHIER- Do you like handling COLD HARD CASH? Then working as a Cashier is the role for you! In this position you will be responsible for redeeming players gaming chips for cash. You also have the GM as back up to check your math! Every transaction is witnessed. It's that easy. Done & DONE!
CHIP RUNNER- Would you like to move around during your shift? Then Chip Runner is exactly what you are looking for! In this role your primary responsibility is to run (ok,not literally run...LOL!) playing chips to the gaming tables. In addition, you participate in the opening and closing of game tables to ensure all is up to "par". Sound official? It is. Sign up today!
*COUNT ROOM SUPERVISOR- Have you ever wondered how much money a casino brings in? Sign up for this position and you will have all those details! The role requires you to input the total amount of money from each "drop box" (the box that holds the money at the gaming tables). The money is already sorted and counted (by a machine), you just need to submit totals. Done and DONE!
COUNT ROOM STAFF- Do you like to be surrounded by copious amounts of the $$ GREEN STUFF $$? Then you need to work in the position of Count Room Staff. In this role you will sort money into their correct denominations ($5 with $5....$100 with $100) and then place these piles into a money counter machine and record the total amount. Easy! Peasy!
*These positions will require you to complete a security clearance check at no expense. You will be contacted to have these forms completed. Thanks.
Now that you have picked the position you want to Volunteer in...hit the REGISTER BUTTON and sign up!!
Your time and efforts will help ensure our Organization can continue to be a resource to families of multiples!